What's My Torn-Off-The-Bone Bicep Got To Do With Your Weight?

Torn Biceps

What’s My Torn-Off-The-Bone Bicep Tendon Got To Do With Your Weight?

So, this week was sh1t!

I’ve lifted weights for 25 years, hardly an injury to speak of

I pick up a double mattress to load on a car, I tear the tendon of my biceps’ long head, straight off the bone.

“We only really do surgery for cosmetic reasons” the Doc said, as I looked down at my sunken, sloppy biceps muscle that will now be that way for life…

I’m pretty gutted to be fair… Not going to be able to lift anytime soon…

But, this ain’t a sob story…It’s a ‘morale of the story’, story… 

Had I incurred this self-inflicted injury 5 years ago, I would have reacted differently…

Key word… ‘reacted’

1️⃣I would have screamed and yelled as it happened;

2️⃣I would have blamed my missus for making me deal with HER discarded sh1tty mattress;

3️⃣I would have instantly let my mind go to all of the things I couldn’t do right now, which would have compounded into a story about my happiness;

4️⃣And I would have then played a victim…

And that was the old Jase…

You see, this is the mindset most of us men have - A Victim Mindset

A mindset where stuff “just happens to us” and where we have little or no control over our life and happiness.

➡️If things are bad or bad things happen, life is unhappy

➡️If things are good or good things happen, we’re on top of the world.

We’re caught in this yoyo-type world where our existence is determined by external things or events. 

This place sucks because the day’s events knock us round like a pinball… And we finish each day tired and defeated…

The new Jase is different, he has greater present moment awareness

1️⃣Yeah, sure I gave a little yelp as my tendon audibly popped loud enough for the lads buying the mattress to hear…

2️⃣I walked inside, in agony, but calmly said to my missus ‘ahhh, at least with free medical now, we can take ourselves out for dinner tonight on the $300 mattress sale and drink some wine… that’ll numb the pain a little’

3️⃣My mind went to ‘what opportunities will this give me to learn’ about injury rehab, new exercises, maintaining awareness and the types of pain my clients are often in when they start their journey – back pain, knee pain, etc

4️⃣And rather than focus on being a victim, I thought ‘wow, first world problems hey – a ruptured bicep. I could be on a roadside begging for food or showering in a dirty creek somewhere…’

And then I got on the phone to a client and had an amazing catch up on their progress…

So… if you have read this far, what can you learn from this??

Two things:

1️⃣The more you practice awareness, not reacting constantly to the things that happen to you and instead choose a response, the happier you will be, because you’ll feel more in control.

2️⃣Your mindset is absolutely everything – today, you can go from a disempowered, victim mindset of having ‘got fat’ because things happened to you to an empowered mindset of deciding ‘you know what, I am gonna change this today…’

That’s why I feel so lucky to be working with a bunch of Legends right now who are slowly, but sustainably working on themselves with the support of:

➡️An accountability group on similar men journey

➡️A coach that actual practices the sh1t he preaches… 

If this sounds like a change you wanna make yourself, book an intro call by clicking below!

It’s free, and it might just change your life!


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